New School Art for Survival Toolkit Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives
- Explore the current research on causes, symptoms, and treatment of trauma.
- Understand the somatic, mental, emotional, spiritual, behavioral, and relational issues experienced by survivors of trauma.
- Understand how Creative Arts Therapy theory/techniques can be used to address and transform the issues in trauma survivors.
- Discover through practice an understanding of game design in the form of Live Action Role Play.
- Engage with partners, teams, and collaborators in the LARP experiment and assess its efficacy as a tool for empowering survivors through Creative Arts Therapy/Wellness tools and processes.
- Understand community partners’ needs and to shape the production of the LARP as a tool for empowering trauma survivors.
- Archive our studio work for use in future collaborations.
- Review history of performance-based interactive narrative and study systems such as exploration of methodologies to impart educational lessons within game systems and interactive performances, as well as techniques for storytelling with audiences.
- Learn and demonstrate techniques from Agosto Boal’s Theater of the Oppressed.
- Understand that the goal of “serious” games, which allow players and audience members to play in a live and guided participatory experience to build stories together, is to learn, not win.